Beginning the Vision...

This post marks the first step of making Images of a Vision a thriving part of my usual activities. The first set of photos will be of the Natchez Balloon Festival. Although it was a hot air balloon festival, there were plenty of other things there to keep you entertained. They had some great bands playing such as Better Than Ezra and an extremely talented group named Johnny Sketch and the Dirty Notes. I would like to ask everyone who visits to leave comments and even suggestions as to what you would like to see on this blog. Thanks a lot for visiting, don't forget to tell your friends, and have a good day.


Rummi said...

The image of the plane over the tree tops captures the moment before a decision. If we could pause time and explore that moment, or anti-moment i suppose, that picture would be where we begin the exploration.

Anonymous said...

sahirr your awesomee! i cant wait until i can start doing some stuff!

<3 liz

G Live said...

you really grab the intensity in these pictures! They are really good!!! =)